How To Treat Hormonal Acne?

Are you struggling with hormonal acne and looking for effective treatments? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will explore various methods to help you treat hormonal acne and achieve clearer, healthier skin. Whether you’ve been dealing with persistent breakouts or occasional flare-ups, we’ve got you covered. So, read on to discover some practical tips and strategies that can make a real difference in managing hormonal acne and gaining your self-confidence back.

Understanding Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is a type of acne that is primarily caused by hormonal fluctuations in the body. It typically occurs during puberty, but can also affect adults, particularly women, who experience hormonal imbalances. Understanding why hormonal acne occurs and how to identify it can help in finding the right treatments and managing its symptoms effectively.

What is Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne is a skin condition characterized by breakouts that are primarily located around the chin, jawline, and lower face. Unlike other types of acne, hormonal acne is often deep, painful, and resistant to traditional acne treatments. It is typically associated with hormonal fluctuations, particularly an increase in androgen hormones such as testosterone.

Causes of Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is primarily caused by an increase in androgen hormones, such as testosterone. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce excess oil, leading to clogged pores and acne breakouts. Hormonal imbalances, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger the onset of hormonal acne. Other factors such as stress, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions can also contribute to hormonal acne.

Why Does Hormonal Acne Occur?

Hormonal acne occurs when there is an imbalance in hormone levels, particularly an increase in androgen hormones. During puberty, the body goes through dramatic hormonal changes, leading to an increase in sebum production and the development of acne. In women, hormonal acne can also occur during the menstrual cycle due to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause can also trigger hormonal acne.

Identifying Hormonal Acne

Identifying hormonal acne is crucial in determining the most effective treatment approach. Hormonal acne is typically characterized by deep, painful cystic acne lesions that are predominantly located around the chin, jawline, and lower face. These breakouts often appear in clusters and can persist for weeks or months. Unlike other types of acne, hormonal acne is less likely to respond to over-the-counter acne treatments and requires targeted hormonal therapies.

Medical Treatments for Hormonal Acne

While hormonal acne can be challenging to treat, several medical treatments have proven to be effective in managing its symptoms and reducing breakouts. These treatments target hormonal imbalances and help regulate sebum production to minimize acne flare-ups.

Topical Medications

Topical medications containing ingredients such as Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids can be used to manage hormonal acne. These medications help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote skin cell turnover, thus preventing new breakouts. Topical medications are typically applied directly to the affected areas and are available over-the-counter or by prescription.

Oral Medications

Oral medications are commonly prescribed for moderate to severe hormonal acne cases. These medications work by reducing sebum production, controlling hormonal fluctuations, and decreasing inflammation. Oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline or doxycycline, are often prescribed to target acne-causing bacteria. In some cases, oral contraceptives or anti-androgen drugs may be used to regulate hormonal imbalances and manage hormonal acne.

Combined Oral Contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives, commonly known as birth control pills, are often prescribed to women with hormonal acne. These pills contain a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones, which help regulate hormonal fluctuations and reduce sebum production. Combined oral contraceptives can be an effective long-term solution for managing hormonal acne in women, but they may require several months to show noticeable improvements.

Anti-Androgen Drugs

Anti-androgen drugs are another option for treating hormonal acne, particularly in women. These medications work by blocking the effects of androgen hormones, which can help regulate sebum production and decrease acne breakouts. Spironolactone is one of the commonly prescribed anti-androgen drugs for hormonal acne and has been shown to be effective, especially for women with hormonal imbalances.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Hormonal Acne

In addition to medical treatments, certain lifestyle changes can also help reduce the severity and frequency of hormonal acne breakouts. By adopting a comprehensive approach that includes proper skincare, dietary modifications, stress reduction techniques, and regular exercise, you can manage hormonal acne more effectively.

Proper Skincare Routine

A proper skincare routine is essential for managing hormonal acne. Start by cleansing your face twice a day using a gentle cleanser that is suitable for acne-prone skin. Avoid harsh scrubs or cleansers that can irritate the skin and worsen acne. Use non-comedogenic moisturizers and sunscreen to keep your skin hydrated and protected. Incorporate topical acne treatments recommended by your dermatologist into your skincare routine to target acne at its source.

Dietary Modifications

Certain dietary modifications can have a positive impact on hormonal acne. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and foods high in refined carbohydrates, as these can spike insulin levels and promote sebum production. Some studies suggest that reducing dairy and foods with a high glycemic index, such as white bread and sugary drinks, may also help improve hormonal acne symptoms.

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress can exacerbate hormonal imbalances and trigger acne breakouts. Incorporating stress reduction techniques into your daily routine can help manage hormonal acne more effectively. Explore stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or engaging in hobbies that you enjoy. Getting adequate sleep, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and practicing relaxation techniques can also help reduce stress levels and promote hormonal balance.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular exercise and physical activity can have a positive impact on hormonal acne. Engaging in moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, helps improve blood circulation, promotes overall well-being, and reduces stress levels. Exercise also helps regulate hormone levels and promotes detoxification through sweating, which can contribute to clearer skin. Remember to shower and cleanse your face after exercising to remove sweat and bacteria that can clog pores.

Home Remedies for Hormonal Acne

While medical treatments and lifestyle changes are often the most effective approaches for managing hormonal acne, some individuals may find relief from utilizing home remedies. These natural remedies can be used alongside other treatments to help reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and promote clearer skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural ingredient known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying a diluted solution of tea tree oil to acne-prone areas can help kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. However, it is important to use tea tree oil cautiously and in moderation, as it can cause skin irritation if used in excessive amounts.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for hormonal acne. It has antimicrobial properties that can help kill bacteria on the skin’s surface and balance pH levels. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water before applying it to the skin as a toner. Avoid applying undiluted apple cider vinegar directly to the skin, as it can cause irritation.


Turmeric is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be used topically as a paste or taken orally as a supplement to help reduce inflammation and promote healing of acne lesions. Mix turmeric powder with water or honey to create a paste, apply it to the affected areas, and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.

Honey and Cinnamon Mask

A honey and cinnamon mask can help reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria. Mix raw honey with cinnamon powder to create a paste and apply it to the affected areas. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This mask can be used once or twice a week as part of your skincare routine.

Professional Treatments for Hormonal Acne

In some cases, professional treatments may be necessary to effectively manage and treat hormonal acne. These treatments are typically performed by dermatologists or skincare professionals and can help improve the appearance of acne and prevent scarring.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate the top layers and promote cell turnover. This treatment can help unclog pores, reduce acne breakouts, and improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Chemical peels are available in different strengths, and a dermatologist can recommend the most suitable option for your skin type and specific concerns.


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that involves gently exfoliating the skin using a handheld device. This treatment helps remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve the texture and appearance of the skin. Regular microdermabrasion sessions can help reduce acne breakouts, minimize the appearance of acne scars, and improve overall skin radiance.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a targeted treatment that uses intense beams of light to target and destroy acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. This treatment can help improve the appearance of acne and minimize the risk of scarring. Laser therapy is typically performed in multiple sessions, and results may vary depending on the severity of the acne and individual response to the treatment.

Extraction of Pimples

In some cases, dermatologists may perform extractions to remove stubborn acne lesions. This procedure involves using sterile instruments to gently remove the contents of the pimple, relieving inflammation and promoting faster healing. It is important to note that extractions should only be performed by a trained professional to minimize the risk of scarring or infection.

Skin-Care Ingredients for Hormonal Acne

When choosing skincare products for hormonal acne, it is essential to look for specific ingredients that target acne and help regulate sebum production. Incorporating these ingredients into your skincare routine can help prevent breakouts, reduce inflammation, and promote clearer skin.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a key ingredient in many acne-fighting products. It helps unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and exfoliate the skin, thereby preventing new acne breakouts. Look for cleansers, toners, and spot treatments that contain salicylic acid and incorporate them into your skincare routine.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is an effective ingredient for controlling acne breakouts. It works by killing acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and preventing the formation of new pimples. Use benzoyl peroxide-based cleansers, creams, or gels as directed by your healthcare professional.


Retinoids, such as adapalene or tretinoin, are derivatives of vitamin A and are commonly used to treat acne. They help unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote skin cell turnover. Retinoids are available in both over-the-counter and prescription-strength formulations and can be an effective addition to your skincare routine.


Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a versatile ingredient for managing hormonal acne. It helps regulate sebum production, reduces inflammation, and improves the skin’s overall texture and appearance. Look for moisturizers or serums containing niacinamide to incorporate into your skincare routine.

Hormonal Acne and Birth Control

For women suffering from hormonal acne, birth control can be an effective treatment option. By regulating hormone levels, birth control can help reduce sebum production and prevent acne breakouts. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable type of birth control for your specific needs and medical history.

Effectiveness of Birth Control for Hormonal Acne

Birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones can be highly effective for managing hormonal acne in women. These pills help balance hormone levels, reduce sebum production, and decrease the frequency and severity of acne breakouts. It is important to note that it may take several months to notice improvements in acne symptoms when using birth control pills for hormonal acne.

Types of Birth Control for Hormonal Acne

Several types of birth control are available for managing hormonal acne. Combined oral contraceptives, such as Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Yaz, or Estrostep, are commonly prescribed for this purpose. Other options include progestin-only pills, hormonal implants, hormonal patches, and hormonal IUDs. Each type of birth control has its own benefits and potential side effects, so it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable option for you.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

When considering using birth control for hormonal acne, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can assess your specific needs, medical history, and preferences to recommend the most suitable type of birth control. A healthcare professional can also provide guidance on potential side effects, usage instructions, and any necessary precautions to ensure the safe and effective use of birth control for managing hormonal acne.

Dealing with Hormonal Acne Scars

Hormonal acne can often leave behind scars that can be emotionally distressing. Managing hormonal acne scars requires patience and a combination of treatment options to promote skin healing and minimize the appearance of scars.

Preventing Acne Scarring

Preventing acne scarring is an important step in managing hormonal acne. Avoid picking, popping, or squeezing acne lesions, as this can increase the risk of scarring. Treat acne promptly and effectively to minimize inflammation and prevent severe breakouts that can lead to scarring. It is also important to protect your skin from sun exposure by using sunscreen daily to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation and worsening of acne scars.

Treatment Options for Acne Scars

Various treatment options are available for managing hormonal acne scars. These include topical treatments, such as retinoids or silicone gel sheets, which can help improve the appearance of scars over time. Dermatological procedures, such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, or microneedling, can also be effective in reducing the visibility of acne scars. In some cases, surgical procedures or injections may be recommended by a dermatologist to further address specific types of acne scars.

Managing Hormonal Acne During Pregnancy

Managing hormonal acne during pregnancy requires special considerations, as certain medications and treatments may not be safe for the developing fetus. However, there are safe and effective treatment options available to help manage hormonal acne symptoms during this time.

Safe Treatment Options During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using any acne treatments or medications. Many topical treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid, are considered safe for use during pregnancy. Gentle cleansing and maintaining a proper skincare routine can also help manage hormonal acne symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle modifications, such as stress reduction techniques, maintaining a balanced diet, and regular exercise, can contribute to overall skin health during pregnancy.

Precautions and Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should take certain precautions and follow these tips when managing hormonal acne:

  • Avoid using oral medications for acne treatment, as many of these medications are not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Use gentle and pregnancy-safe skincare products free from potentially harmful ingredients such as retinoids or salicylic acid in high concentrations.
  • Avoid harsh scrubs or exfoliating treatments that may irritate the skin.
  • Talk to your healthcare professional to discuss any concerns or questions about hormonal acne management during pregnancy. They can provide guidance on safe and effective treatment options.

When to Seek Professional Help

In most cases, hormonal acne can be managed effectively with home remedies, lifestyle modifications, and over-the-counter treatments. However, there are instances when seeking professional help is necessary.

When Home Remedies Fail

If home remedies, lifestyle modifications, and over-the-counter treatments do not provide sufficient relief from hormonal acne symptoms, it may be time to consult a dermatologist. A dermatologist can assess your specific condition, recommend suitable medical treatments, and provide targeted advice for managing hormonal acne.

If Acne Causes Emotional Distress

Hormonal acne can have a significant impact on an individual’s emotional well-being and self-confidence. If acne is causing emotional distress or affecting your quality of life, it is important to seek professional help. A dermatologist or mental health professional can provide guidance, support, and appropriate treatment options to improve your emotional well-being alongside managing hormonal acne.

Severe and Persistent Acne Symptoms

If hormonal acne is severe, persistent, or causing significant scarring, it is crucial to seek professional help. A dermatologist can assess the severity of your acne, determine any underlying causes, and develop a personalized treatment plan. They may prescribe stronger medications, perform specialized treatments, or recommend hormonal therapies to effectively manage hormonal acne and minimize its long-term impact.

In conclusion, understanding hormonal acne, its causes, and identifying it correctly is essential for effective treatment. While medical treatments, lifestyle changes, and professional interventions can provide relief from hormonal acne, it is important to tailor the approach according to individual needs and consult with healthcare professionals for best results. Hormonal acne can be managed successfully, and with patience and the right treatment plan, clear and healthy skin can be achieved.