Does Cold Weather Affect The Skin?

Do you ever wonder if the chilly winter weather can have an impact on your skin? Well, it turns out that cold weather has more effects on our skin than we might think. From dryness to redness, it’s important to understand how the cold can affect our skin and how to properly care for it during these chilly months. So, let’s explore the ways in which cold weather can impact our skin and discover some helpful tips to keep our skin healthy and radiant all winter long.

Table of Contents

Effects of Cold Weather on the Skin

Dryness and Dehydration

When the temperatures drop and the air becomes drier during the cold winter months, your skin is prone to dryness and dehydration. The cold winds and low humidity levels strip away the natural moisture from your skin, leaving it feeling tight, itchy, and uncomfortable. The lack of moisture can also make fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable, giving your skin a dull and aged appearance. To combat dryness and dehydration, it is essential to keep your skin well-hydrated and moisturized.

Irritation and Redness

Cold weather can lead to increased skin sensitivity, causing irritation and redness. The harsh cold wind, along with the sudden temperature changes when moving from the cold outdoors to heated indoor spaces, can trigger inflammation in the skin. This can result in a flushed and irritated complexion, often accompanied by a stinging or burning sensation. It’s important to protect your skin from the elements and take steps to reduce irritation and redness.

Flaky and Rough Texture

The cold weather can cause your skin to become flaky and rough in texture. As the skin loses its natural moisture due to the cold temperatures and low humidity, the outermost layer of the skin can start to flake and become dry. The lack of exfoliation and proper moisturization during the winter months can further contribute to a rough and uneven skin texture. It is crucial to incorporate gentle exfoliation and deep moisturization into your skincare routine to maintain a smooth and radiant complexion.

Chapped Lips

One of the most common skin issues during cold weather is chapped lips. The delicate skin on your lips is more susceptible to dryness and cracking due to its thin nature. The cold air and low humidity levels can easily strip away the moisture from your lips, leaving them dry, painful, and prone to peeling. Applying a nourishing lip balm regularly can help protect your lips from chapping and keep them soft and supple.

Winter Itch

The combination of cold, dry air and central heating can lead to a condition known as winter itch. This is characterized by persistent itching and dryness on the skin, particularly in areas such as the arms, legs, and back. The lack of moisture in the air and the hot, dry indoor environment can exacerbate itching and cause discomfort. To alleviate winter itch, it is important to moisturize your skin regularly and keep it hydrated.

Increased Sensitivity

Cold weather can make your skin more sensitive and reactive. The exposure to cold wind and temperature fluctuations can compromise the skin’s barrier function, making it more vulnerable to external irritants. This can result in increased sensitivity, with the skin becoming more prone to redness, itching, and inflammation. Using gentle skincare products and avoiding harsh ingredients can help minimize sensitivity and maintain a healthy skin barrier.

Worsened Skin Conditions

If you already have existing skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis, cold weather can worsen these conditions. The dry, cold air can trigger flare-ups and increase the severity of symptoms. The lack of moisture in the air and the excessive use of indoor heating can further aggravate these skin conditions, leading to dryness, redness, and itchiness. It is important to take extra care of your skin during the winter months and seek professional advice if needed.

Premature Aging

The harsh cold weather can accelerate the signs of premature aging on your skin. The dryness, low humidity, and exposure to extreme temperatures can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for maintaining the skin’s firmness and elasticity. This can result in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Protecting your skin from the cold and using anti-aging skincare products can help minimize the effects of premature aging.


While it may seem counterintuitive, sunburns can still occur during the cold winter months. The snow can reflect the sun’s rays, leading to increased UV exposure. Additionally, the ozone layer is thinner during the winter, allowing more UV radiation to penetrate the Earth’s surface. Therefore, it is crucial to wear sunscreen even during the winter months to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent sunburns.


Extreme cold weather conditions can pose a serious threat to your skin in the form of frostbite. Frostbite occurs when the skin and underlying tissues freeze due to prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures. It commonly affects the extremities, such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Frostbite can cause severe damage to the skin, leading to blistering, tissue death, and even permanent scarring. It is essential to protect yourself from extreme cold temperatures and dress appropriately to prevent frostbite.

Causes of Skin Issues in Cold Weather

Low Humidity Levels

One of the primary causes of skin issues during cold weather is the low humidity levels. The cold air holds less moisture, resulting in a dry atmosphere. This lack of moisture in the air can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, itchiness, and dullness. To counteract the effects of low humidity, it is important to incorporate measures to increase moisture levels in your environment and on your skin.

Exposure to Harsh Wind

Exposure to harsh winds during cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin. The cold wind can freeze the moisture on the skin’s surface and disrupt the skin’s protective barrier. This can lead to dryness, redness, and irritation. It is crucial to shield your skin from the wind by wearing protective clothing, such as scarves or face masks, and keep your face well-moisturized to minimize the impact of harsh wind exposure.

Indoor Heating

The use of indoor heating systems during cold weather can contribute to skin issues. While the warm air may provide comfort, it can also deplete the moisture content in the air, leading to dryness and increased sensitivity. The constant exposure to dry indoor heat can cause your skin to become dehydrated and can exacerbate existing skin conditions. Using a humidifier in your home can help maintain optimal moisture levels in the air and prevent skin dryness.

Hot Showers and Baths

Hot showers and baths may be tempting during the cold winter months, but they can be detrimental to your skin. The hot water strips away the natural oils from your skin, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Prolonged exposure to hot water can also disrupt the skin’s barrier function, leading to increased moisture loss and irritation. It is recommended to take shorter, lukewarm showers and apply moisturizer immediately after to lock in moisture.

Inadequate Skincare Routine

Neglecting your skincare routine or using improper products can contribute to skin issues in cold weather. Failing to cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin can leave it vulnerable to dryness, redness, and other problems. It is important to have a consistent skincare routine that includes gentle cleansers, hydrating moisturizers, and protective products, such as sunscreen.

Lack of Sunscreen

Many people mistakenly believe that sunscreen is only necessary during sunny summer days. However, UV rays can still damage your skin even during the cold winter months. Snow, ice, and water can reflect the sun’s rays, increasing your risk of sunburns and skin damage. Therefore, it is essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to all exposed areas of your skin, regardless of the season.

Prevention and Care for Cold-Weather Skin Problems


One of the most crucial steps in preventing and treating cold-weather skin problems is moisturizing. Choose a hydrating moisturizer that is specifically formulated for dry or sensitive skin and apply it liberally all over your body. Opt for thicker, richer creams or balms that provide intense hydration and help repair the skin’s barrier function. Apply moisturizer immediately after cleansing or showering to lock in moisture.

Use of Humidifiers

Using a humidifier in your home can help combat the dryness caused by indoor heating systems. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, increasing humidity levels and preventing your skin from becoming too dry. Place a humidifier in your bedroom or areas where you spend most of your time to reap the benefits of increased moisture in the air.

Wearing Protective Clothing

Protecting your skin from the cold wind and extreme temperatures is essential. Wear appropriate clothing, such as scarves, hats, and gloves, to shield your skin from harsh winds. Opt for materials like wool or fleece that provide warmth and insulation without causing irritation. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen on exposed areas of your skin, such as your face, neck, and hands.

Avoiding Harsh Soaps

Harsh soaps and cleansers can strip away the natural oils from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. Opt for gentle, fragrance-free cleansers that are specifically formulated for sensitive or dry skin. Look for ingredients such as ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin, which help hydrate and soothe the skin while effectively cleansing.

Gentle Cleansing

While it is important to cleanse your skin, excessive cleansing can actually worsen skin issues during cold weather. Overwashing can disrupt the skin’s barrier and strip away essential oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Limit your facial cleansing to once or twice a day and use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing vigorously.


Regular exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and promote a smoother and more radiant complexion. However, it is important to choose gentle exfoliants that do not cause further dryness or irritation. Avoid harsh scrubs or exfoliants with physical particles that can damage the skin. Instead, opt for chemical exfoliants with ingredients like AHAs or BHAs that gently dissolve dead skin cells.

Lip Care

To prevent chapped lips during cold weather, it is important to provide proper care and protection. Use a lip balm with hydrating ingredients, such as beeswax or shea butter, and apply it regularly throughout the day. Avoid licking or biting your lips, as this can further contribute to dryness and chapping. If your lips are severely chapped, you can gently exfoliate them with a soft toothbrush or a lip scrub to remove dead skin before applying lip balm.

Sun Protection

Even during the winter months, sun protection is essential to prevent sun damage. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to all exposed areas of your skin, especially your face, neck, and hands. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if you are engaging in outdoor activities. Additionally, protect your skin further by wearing a hat and sunglasses to shield your face and eyes from harmful UV rays.

Hydrating from Within

Keeping your skin hydrated from within is just as important as external moisturization. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain optimal hydration levels. Staying hydrated helps improve overall skin health and can prevent dryness. Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables with high water content, to boost your skin’s hydration.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are experiencing persistent skin issues or have a chronic skin condition that worsens during cold weather, it is advisable to seek professional help. Dermatologists can provide personalized recommendations and treatments to address your specific skin concerns. They may suggest prescription-strength moisturizers, topical medications, or specialized treatments to alleviate your skin problems effectively.

Best Moisturizers for Cold Weather

Rich Creams and Balms

Thick, rich creams and balms are ideal for intensely moisturizing the skin during cold weather. Look for products that contain nourishing ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, or oils such as jojoba or argan oil. These moisturizers create a protective barrier on the skin, preventing moisture loss and keeping your skin hydrated for longer periods.

Oil-based Products

Oil-based moisturizers are excellent for sealing in moisture and preventing dryness. They provide a protective layer on the skin, helping to retain hydration. Look for oils like almond oil, avocado oil, or rosehip oil, which are known for their moisturizing properties. These oils are often lightweight and absorb easily into the skin, making them suitable for both face and body.

Hyaluronic Acid Serums

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant that attracts and holds moisture in the skin. Using a hyaluronic acid serum before applying moisturizer can significantly boost hydration levels in your skin. These serums penetrate deep into the skin, plumping it up and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by dryness.

Shea Butter-based Products

Shea butter is a highly effective ingredient for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It is rich in vitamins and fatty acids that improve the skin’s elasticity and hydration. Look for shea butter-based products, such as body butters or face creams, to provide intense hydration and soothe dry skin during cold weather.

Ceramide-infused Products

Ceramides are natural lipids that help maintain the skin’s barrier function and prevent moisture loss. Ceramide-infused moisturizers are excellent for restoring and repairing the skin’s natural moisture barrier, which can become compromised during cold weather. These products help keep the skin hydrated and protected from external aggressors.

Recommended Skincare Routine in Cold Weather


Start your skincare routine with a gentle cleanser that effectively removes dirt, pollutants, and makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Opt for cream or oil cleansers that provide hydration and nourishment while cleansing the skin. Massage the cleanser onto damp skin in circular motions and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.


After cleansing, use a hydrating toner to rebalance the skin’s pH levels and prepare it for the subsequent steps of your skincare routine. Look for toners that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid or aloe vera to provide an extra layer of hydration. Apply the toner by gently patting it onto your skin using a cotton pad or your fingertips.


Moisturizing is a crucial step in your skincare routine, especially during cold weather. Apply a rich moisturizer that suits your skin type and concerns. Massage the moisturizer into your skin, using upward motions to promote circulation and absorption. Focus on areas that tend to be drier, such as cheeks and forehead. Don’t forget to apply moisturizer to your neck and décolletage as well.


Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is essential, regardless of the season. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to all exposed areas of your skin. Allow the sunscreen to absorb fully before applying makeup or going outside. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or as needed, especially if you are spending an extended amount of time outdoors.

Weekly Exfoliation

Exfoliating once a week can help remove dead skin cells and promote a smoother complexion. Choose a gentle exfoliator that is suitable for your skin type. Avoid harsh scrubs that can cause irritation or micro-tears in the skin. Gently massage the exfoliator onto damp skin and rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water. Follow up with a moisturizer to replenish hydration.

Special Care for Hands and Feet

During cold weather, our hands and feet are particularly susceptible to dryness and cracking. Apply a thick hand cream or balm regularly and wear gloves to retain moisture. Use a foot cream or moisturizer specifically formulated for the feet to prevent dryness and calluses. Exfoliate your feet with a foot scrub or a pumice stone to remove dead skin and follow up with a moisturizer.

Special Considerations for Different Skin Types

Normal Skin

If you have normal skin, you are less prone to dryness or oiliness. However, it is still important to keep your skin hydrated and protected during cold weather. Use a gentle cleanser, followed by a lightweight moisturizer that provides hydration without feeling heavy on the skin. Apply sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage and premature aging.

Dry Skin

Dry skin tends to become drier and more prone to irritation during cold weather. Use a hydrating cleanser that does not strip away the skin’s natural oils. Opt for a rich, emollient moisturizer that provides intense hydration and helps repair the skin’s barrier function. Look for moisturizers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or natural oils to lock in moisture and soothe dryness.

Oily Skin

Oily skin can still experience dryness and dehydration during cold weather, especially if exposed to harsh winds or indoor heating. Use a gentle cleanser that removes excess oil without stripping the skin. Look for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers that provide hydration without adding greasiness. Use a non-comedogenic sunscreen to protect your skin without clogging pores.

Combination Skin

Combination skin can become imbalanced during cold weather, with some areas becoming dry and others oily. Use a gentle cleanser to balance the skin without stripping away natural oils. Use a lightweight moisturizer on oily areas and a richer moisturizer on dry areas. Targeted treatments can be used for specific concerns, such as using a mattifying primer on oily areas.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin needs extra care and protection during cold weather. Use fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products to minimize the risk of irritation. Look for gentle cleansers and moisturizers that are formulated specifically for sensitive skin. Avoid harsh exfoliants or products with potentially irritating ingredients. Perform patch tests before trying new products to ensure they do not cause any adverse reactions.

Common Misconceptions about Skincare in Cold Weather

Skipping Sunscreen

One common misconception is that sunscreen is only necessary during sunny summer days. However, UV rays can still damage your skin during the cold winter months. Snow and ice can reflect the sun’s rays, leading to increased UV exposure. Regardless of the season, it is important to wear sunscreen every day, especially on exposed areas of your skin.

Only Treating Visible Skin

During cold weather, it is essential to care for your entire body, not just the areas that are visible. Neglecting to moisturize and protect areas like your hands, feet, and lips can lead to dryness, cracking, and discomfort. Make sure to incorporate a comprehensive skincare routine that encompasses all areas of your skin for optimal health and protection.

Using Hot Water for Cleansing

Hot water may feel comforting during cold weather, but it can be detrimental to the health of your skin. Hot water strips away the natural oils from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. Opt for lukewarm water when cleansing your face and body to avoid further dryness and maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance.

Neglecting Hydration

Hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin, regardless of the season. Many people forget to drink enough water during the winter months, which can lead to dehydration and dry skin. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and incorporate hydrating foods into your diet to support your skin’s hydration from within.

Not Changing Skincare Products

While it may be tempting to stick with your usual skincare products year-round, it is important to adjust your routine to suit the changing needs of your skin during cold weather. Switch to richer, more hydrating moisturizers, and incorporate protective products like lip balms and hand creams. Pay attention to how your skin is responding to your current products and make adjustments as necessary.

Effects of Cold Weather on Hair and Scalp

Dryness and Frizz

Cold weather can cause your hair to become dry and frizzy. The lack of moisture in the air and exposure to low temperatures can strip away the natural oils from your hair, leaving it dehydrated and prone to frizz. To combat dryness and frizz, use hydrating shampoos and conditioners and apply leave-in treatments or oils to your hair to lock in moisture.

Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

Cold weather can also exacerbate dandruff and cause an itchy scalp. The dry air, combined with the use of indoor heating, can lead to scalp dryness and flaking. To alleviate dandruff and combat an itchy scalp, use gentle, moisturizing shampoos formulated for dandruff-prone scalps. Avoid using hot water when washing your hair, as it can further dry out your scalp.

Brittle and Breakage-prone Hair

Cold weather can make your hair more brittle and prone to breakage. The lack of moisture and exposure to harsh winds can weaken the hair shaft, leading to increased hair breakage. To strengthen your hair during cold weather, use nourishing hair masks or treatments that provide deep hydration and nourishment. Be gentle when styling and avoid using heat styling tools excessively.

Static Electricity

Static electricity is a common occurrence during cold weather, and it can cause your hair to stand on end and become difficult to manage. The lack of moisture in the air and friction from wearing hats or scarves can contribute to static electricity in the hair. To reduce static, use a moisturizing leave-in conditioner, avoid over-brushing your hair, and choose hairstyles that minimize friction.

Winter Makeup Tips for Healthy-looking Skin

Hydrating Primer

Using a hydrating primer before applying makeup can help combat dryness and create a smooth canvas for your foundation. Look for primers that contain hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin. These primers will provide an extra layer of moisture and help your makeup last longer.

Choosing the Right Foundation

During cold weather, opt for foundations that provide hydration and a dewy finish. Look for foundations with moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or botanical oils. Avoid matte or powder foundations, as they can accentuate dryness and make your skin look dull.

Cream-based Products

Cream-based blushes, eyeshadows, and highlighters are ideal for cold weather. Cream formulas provide an extra layer of hydration and impart a healthy, natural glow to your skin. These products blend easily and give a fresh and luminous look to your complexion.

Avoiding Powder-based Makeup

Powder-based makeup can exacerbate dryness during cold weather, making your skin look dull and flaky. Try to minimize the use of powder products, especially on dry areas of your face. If you prefer a matte finish, use a sparing amount of powder and concentrate it on areas where you tend to get oily.

Bold Lip Colors

Winter is the perfect time to embrace bold and vibrant lip colors. Choose lipsticks or lip stains in rich shades like berry, red, or plum to add a pop of color to your look. Opt for moisturizing formulas to prevent your lips from becoming dry or chapped.

Setting Spray

Using a setting spray can help lock in your makeup and provide an extra boost of hydration. Look for setting sprays that contain moisturizing ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid. These sprays will help your makeup last longer and keep your skin looking fresh throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cold weather cause acne?

While cold weather itself does not directly cause acne, it can contribute to acne breakouts indirectly. The cold temperatures and low humidity levels can cause dryness and dehydration, leading to an imbalance in the skin’s oil production. This imbalance can potentially clog pores and lead to acne breakouts. It is important to maintain a consistent skincare routine and keep your skin well-hydrated to minimize the risk of acne during cold weather.

Is it necessary to wear sunscreen in winter?

Yes, it is necessary to wear sunscreen in winter. UV rays can still damage your skin during cold weather, especially when snow, ice, and water reflect the sun’s rays. It is important to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to all exposed areas of your skin, regardless of the season.

Are hot showers bad for the skin?

Hot showers can be detrimental to the health of your skin, especially during cold weather. Hot water strips away the natural oils from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. It is recommended to use lukewarm water instead of hot water when showering or cleansing your face to avoid further dryness and maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance.

How often should I exfoliate in winter?

The frequency of exfoliation during winter may vary depending on your skin type and concerns. Generally, exfoliating once or twice a week is sufficient to remove dead skin cells and promote a smoother complexion. However, it is important to listen to your skin and adjust the frequency accordingly. If your skin feels overly dry or irritated after exfoliation, it may be a sign that you need to reduce the frequency or switch to a gentler exfoliant.

Can cold weather worsen skin conditions like eczema?

Yes, cold weather can worsen skin conditions like eczema. The cold temperatures and low humidity levels can lead to increased dryness and irritation, triggering eczema flare-ups. It is important to take extra care of your skin during cold weather if you have eczema, including regularly moisturizing, avoiding harsh soaps or cleansers, and seeking professional advice if needed.

Why are my hands and feet always dry in winter?

Hands and feet are particularly prone to dryness during winter due to the lack of oil glands and exposure to the cold weather. Additionally, frequent handwashing or use of hand sanitizers can further strip away the natural oils from your hands, leading to dryness. Wearing gloves and regularly moisturizing your hands and feet can help combat dryness and keep them soft and hydrated during the winter months.